What is the Iowa PGA Golf Pass?

An Iowa PGA Golf Pass is a hard copy booklet or electronic golf pass that contains FREE or discounted rates at over 250 golf facilities across Iowa and Western Illinois! By purchasing the golf pass, you can save hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on green fees, cart rentals, range balls, merchandise, and golf lessons!  Once you purchase your Iowa PGA Golf Pass, we will immediately send it to you via United States Postal Service and shipping and handling is free

How do I reset my password account?
Here’s how to make resetting your profile easier:
  1. Go to Login – CLICK HERE
  2. Lost your password? button – click this.
  3. Type in your email address and click reset password
  4. Go to your email and the email should get to you within 10-30 seconds as I tested this to see when it would get to the emails. (Check spam/junk)
  5. Click on the link in that email and it will direct you back to the CLICK HERE
  6. Once you hit that link in the email you will see two boxes where you will type in your new password that you wish to use.
Why did you increase the price? *2023*

In reality it is not a huge price increase if you use the code HOLIDAY24 for $20 off – before 1/2/2025 – it will be the same price it has been since 2010 of $35 per book.  $55 minus $20 coupon code nets you to $35.  Previous years it was $45 minus a $10 coupon code nets you to the same $35.

In addition, we feel that this is a great value for the golfer as you will save the cost of the booklet by using it 2-3 times at facilities it pays for itself.
I am sure if you look at other golf related items since 2010, the prices have risen substantially, including greens fees.
In our case the following has caused us to raise our prices
  • Website development costs
  • Shipping/Postage of the hard copy books – a stamp in 2010 was .44 and now is .68 (54% increase).  A package, which is what we classify as – 2010 was $1.95 and now is $5.25 (50% increase) for most of our packages.  Our base price has gone from $45 to $55, a 20% increase.
  • Printing costs of the books themselves have risen
  • Packaging costs – the envelopes or boxes we use have increased.
We take great pride in having been a part of this product since we started it 20 years ago to have been able to “hold the line” on pricing from 2010 to 2023.
Again as a thank you to the loyal customers that have purchased in the past and know the best time to purchase the golf pass is before Christmas, it is the same price, using the code, that it was in 2010.
Greg Mason, PGA
Executive Director Iowa PGA/Iowa PGA Foundation
Does the Iowa PGA Golf Pass have an APP?

The Iowa PGA Golf Pass doesn’t have an app for the Electronic Version. You will do logging in on our website throughout the 2025 golf season CLICK HERE.

How do I order the Iowa PGA Golf Pass?

Ordering is easy! You can CLICK HERE to order online using a credit card. We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Your order will be processed and mailed right away!  You may also print an order form from our website www.iowapga.com and mail it into our office with payment.

What are the rules regarding Country Club Facilities?


Private Facility Requirements
• Dress requirements for all persons on the golf course consist of clothing that is acceptable and proper at a private golf club.

• Shirts worn by men must have sleeves and a collar. Golfers must wear shoes designed or suitable for golf at all times on the golf course and practice areas.

• Unacceptable attire includes: denim of any kind, slacks that are frayed or ragged, cut offs, hot pants, short shorts, overalls, muscle shirts, athletic warm-up pants or tops, halter tops, tube tops, or other abbreviated dress. Golf shoes with metal spikes are prohibited on the golf course and practice areas.

Golf Pass Players
• Golf Pass players must abide by all guest policies of the facility. Golf course availability is conditional based on club events, tournaments, or other special programs.

• Golf Pass players are allowed access only to the golf shop, golf course, and golf course concession areas. All other areas are reserved for facility members.

Golf Pass Limits
• Weekday play is limited to three (3) Golf Pass groups each day. Weekend play is limited to one (1) Golf Pass group each day. Each individual day is subject to golf course availability.

Private golf facility offers are valid during two (2) time periods:
• Opening day in the spring through April 30th
• October 1st until golf course closing in the fall
Golf Pass groups may play a maximum of two times per season per facility – facilities will keep track of Golf Pass groups.

Golf Pass holders must abide by these requirements and restrictions for the following private facilities unless otherwise stated under each facility’s offer.

How do I redeem the Coupons with the Electronic Golf Pass?

Simple! Once viewing the offer, you can either click REDEEM, PRINT, or SAVE THE OFFER.

REDEEM = This button will be used once present at the Golf Course/Facility. You will hand your electronic device with your voucher/offer to the golf course attendant, as well as your identification to redeem your online offer. Once the attendant selects this button, 1 usage will be taken away.

PRINT = This button will be used to print off your offer that you wish to redeem. Once you select this button, 1 usage will be taken away. You will then take your printed voucher to the golf course and hand to golf course attendant with your identification.

SAVE THE OFFER = This button will be used to save your offer for future use. Once saved, you can check your saved offers by clicking on MY ACCOUNT. From there, you can click SAVED OFFERS.

What is the difference between the Hard Copy Booklet and Electronic Golf Pass?

The only difference between the Hard Copy Booklet and Electronic Golf Pass is having the Golf Pass in hand via booklet or in hand via electronic device! Both versions of the Golf Pass have the same golf courses/offers/discounts.

How do I know what facilities are included?

Over 250 golf facilities are included in the 2025 Iowa PGA Golf Pass. To view the discounts listed or search facilities by region, click on the link below. You’ll be amazed at how many opportunities are waiting for you!


List of Facilities in a PDF Form, CLICK HERE

Where do the profits go?

*By becoming a Golf Pass Owner, you are supporting the American Cancer Society® since a portion of every sale is donated to this non-profit organization.  For each golf pass sold, the American Cancer Society® will receive 15% of sale of each pass. ACS does not endorse any service or product.

You are also helping support the game of golf through Iowa PGA junior golf programs and public awareness of the game. The Iowa PGA Junior Tour has over 100 tournaments for boys and girls under the age of 18. Programs such as the Iowa PGA Junior Tour, Iowa PGA Pee-Wee Tour, Iowa PGA Golf Skills Challenge, Iowa PGA Junior Golf Academy, Iowa PGA Charlie Burkart Scholarship (college) and many more will benefit from the funds raised through the Golf Pass.

Can I give the Iowa PGA Golf Pass as a gift?

Absolutely! The Iowa PGA Golf Pass makes a wonderful gift for the avid golfer, beginner or junior golfer in your life. For the low price of $55 (electronic golf pass) and $55 (hard copy booklet), you are giving this special person the opportunity to play premier courses in Iowa and Western Illinois at a discounted rate.

The Iowa PGA Golf Pass is the perfect gift for Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, and retirements!

Hard Copy Booklet is the easiest way to give as a gift since as all you need is their address information.

Electronic Pass (if you are buying this as a gift for another person) you have to make sure you use the recipients First name, last name, email address, address and unique username that way all credentials will be under their profile.


We suggest for the Electronic Pass specifically is to print off the front page of our website so that way they know they will be receiving this as a gift. Another way you can do this is to send the person the money so they may purchase on their own time (send a check to them, venmo, paypal or etc.)

See Purchase page for further details on ordering the Iowa PGA Golf Pass as a Gift!

You are also helping support the game of golf through Iowa PGA junior golf programs and public awareness of the game. The Iowa PGA Junior Tour has over 100 tournaments for boys and girls under the age of 18. Programs such as the Iowa PGA Junior Tour, Iowa PGA Pee-Wee Tour, Iowa PGA Golf Skills Challenge, Iowa PGA Junior Golf Academy, Iowa PGA Charlie Burkart Scholarship (college) and many more will benefit from the funds raised through the Golf Pass.